The wind hasn’t dropped, it’s still 25-30 knots and there’s regular light showers at the moment with worse to come later in the day. Even snow in the north, the flooded areas are getting no respite with over 100 still outstanding.

We’re the only ones at Dell Quay, walking along the flooded lane with the wind right on the nose was hard work. It seems that the birds thought so too with large numbers of geese and a few Shelduck sitting in a relatively sheltered are on the field nearby. It felt bleaker than the picture shows with showers of drizzle crossing, almost horizontal.

Further on the Little Egrets were sitting near the farm where they often go when it’s windy. A cloud of small birds flew about above them, maybe Sparrows or Dunnocks.

Out in the harbour by the Copperas mark very few birds ventured out, the occasional Curlew or Oyster Catcher only. Nearer to Dell Quay there were just a few wigeon, maybe ten at the most on the shoreline.

The sea was quite rough, a bilge keel yacht had just appeared sitting on the mud close to the clubhouse. It’s not a usual mooring so I assume the owner had experienced difficulties. Maybe it had broken free from it’s usual mooring as several boats had done in Portsmouth Harbour recently.