Heavy rain (again) but at least it fell over night and now, in the morning, a brilliant blue sky and a chill wind to prompt a brisk walk. On arrival we were greeted by a true chorus – lots of vibrant
birdsong in the car park and around the Church. Difficult to pick out them all but certainly Thrushes and Robins making themselves known.

At the Lavant outfall there were a mass of common gulls, many sitting on the deeper water leading to the channel but many more in the air. They were flying around close to the outfall itself, diving in from time to time. Clearly there was something that had attracted them, maybe some small fish that came in with the tide although it wasn’t really time for fry to be around.

Unfortunately someone had done a #2minutebeachclean but left what they’d picked up for someone else to sort out. Maybe they’d given up as there wasn’t much litter about, not even in the corner where the wind and tide usually dumps some. It had been cleared by the wildfowl’s a couple of weeks ago but I guess someone else had cleared it since.

Large numbers of Dunlin were paddling around the edge of the channel, a bit like Sandlings but with a slower more deliberate manner. From time to time great clouds of them launched themselves into the air to give another demonstration of formation flying