We’re going to have a rather unstable week weather wise with a string of depressions circling around a

stationary low in the North Atlantic. It’s going to be showery at best otherwise stormy but with the wind coming from the south west at least it’s going to be warm. Today it’s a positively balmy eleven degrees early in the morning when we leave for Chidham hoping to get round before the tide rises too much.

The sunrise this morning is striking, warm golden skies around the sun with dark, menacing clouds in stark relief. They’re moving fast and ever changing as there’s a stiff breeze, alternatly revealing and eclipsing the sun. Yesterday I was instructed to paint a similar scene in Raw Sienna with highlights of a mix of Ultramarine and Rose Madder. At the time I’d thought this a strange combination

 but this morning it was clear how well it portrayed the sky in these circumstances.

The farm nearby with it’s alternate rows of market garden vegetables has matured with bold leeks, substantial Kale and much other produce now ready to be gathered in. Several rows had been picked, probably most would be gone by Christmas or soon after if the Brexit doom sayers prove right and there are shortages in the new year.

A flight of 60-70 duck flew over, high up, heading North East as we approached the bomb hole; it seemed

that they were heading for Nutbourne or, more likely inland. We met two wildfowlers who had been out for a morning flight there, apparently with little to show for it, they ended up just “bird watching”. The lockdown has resulted in many more walkers than ever before around the harbour making this one of the worst Wildfowling seasons for some time.

In Chidham Creek there were several Teal sitting on the water, making no attempt to fly. Out on the harbour by the wreck there was a little more activity with Curlew, Shelduck and flights of Dunlin. Naturally there were plenty of Brent Geese about, not only lining the harbour but in the sodden fields as well. A brief shower provided some interesting light and a rainbow.