This is the last day of warmth and sunshine, the last day of Summer. it’s going to be wet and windy
tomorrow which is typical as we’re off sailing. At Wittering there’s plenty of people taking the last opportunity to get out for a while, either on the beach or out walking.
The harbour is strange, sandbanks have appeared in unusual places but the low tide hasn’t stopped several boats from anchoring off East Head or drying out on the sand. It’s a tranquil view north to Thorney Island with l
ittle activity, just soft sunshine. The small beach near Ellen Nore is deserted, it could be part of the Caribbean.
The recent rains followed by sunshine have had a significant influence on flowers which are starting to bloom again after the dryness of August. Hawkbit
lines the path whilst clusters of Ragwort add to the colour that’s now appearing once more. A bit further along were these clusters of Sea Campion amongst some Mayweed.