It’s a lovely sunny day so we set off to Harting Down to do the circular walk along the escarpment before the crowds arrive. They did arrive in force later on but didn’t walk far from the car park so for much of the time we had the paths to ourselves. This may have been due in part as we missed a path and returned along one that ended up at the Royal Oak at Hooksway, nice footpaths anyway!
Along the escarpment the views over to Harting Village were stunning in the bright sunshine, set against a cobalt blue sky. This lone hang glider was enjoying himself on the sharply rising breeze caused by the gradient wind, it must have been better later on when the hill warmed up. Unfortunately a man flying a model plane lost his sandwiches to Bonnie, it was a mistake to have left his pack open!
Plenty of flowers about, especially clumps of Marjoram that were growing in many places adjacent to grassland paths. Lots of Field Scabious about that added their delicate colour to the landscape. These Harebells had come out to flower on the chalkland, pretty little individual bells scattered around in the grass on the hillside. Nearby were several rabbits although the kept well away.
It was pleasing to see lots of butterflies about, ideal conditions for them. In addition to the Meadow Browns and large whites on the downs were a couple of small ones, I think they were small coppers but not absolutely certain. In the paths through the woods were marbled whites, several small common blues and at least one Fratillary, so large compared with others.
High above the downs were plenty of raptors, especially Buzzards above the woods but also Kestrels on the grassland. On our return we saw at least one Red Kite which seem to have become well established on the Downs now.