Grey again but at least the rain is not falling as we walked round East Head with a few other hearty
souls. The tide, which is still a bit springy, is right out so there’s acres of sand and mud bank exposed. Relatively few Birds about though, just the odd black headed gull and skylark for company.

On the first part of the dunes there is this lovely example of Sea Holly that’s now coming out into flower, a lovely shade of powder blue. Nearby are these examples of Evening Primrose, equally
attractive but not that plentiful.

Very little on the strand line, only a little weed to mark where the high tide has washed up on the exposed side. On the lagoon side there are thousands of little crabs, nearly all dead but one or two still twitching. Can’t help wondering what the survival rate is, lets hope that there are plenty of survivors. This happens each year, a severe case of survival of the fittest.