We were rather later going out, about 10am, for the usual circular walk around Apuldrum so it was a bit warmer and the rain had dried up.

Walking along the field between the church and the Harbour I was amazed by how many Swallows and Swifts were there zooming about over the Barley that was standing quite high. What was particularly surprising was that they came so close if we stood still, you could almost feel them brush past! There must have been plenty of insects to attract them and tempt them to ignore us. It was quite uplifting to be so close to such beautiful birds flying so

There was a brisk breeze but that didn’t deter the swans from congregating between the outfall
and the sea wall. As usual they stayed just to windward of the shore and clearly felt safe, they only reluctantly moved away as we passed by.

Further along the sea wall there were many clumps of these Docks, so I thought I’d identify which one. Little did I know that it’s part of the Rumex family which covers docks and sorrels but numbers over 200 species! My app thought it was a Bitter Dock but that’s not listed in my book so I’ll leave it as a mystery. Knowing it’s a Dock is enough!