A short family walk around East Head today and our Grand Daughter wanted to spend much of the time amongst the dunes which was fortuitous as there were plenty of interesting plants to see.

The ground nesting birds were still about so Dogs had to be kept on a lead and several areas were roped off, I hope that worked to give them some peace to bring up their young. We were there early so it wasn’t too busy but that would change soon enough as it was a Sunday. There were plenty of Skylarks about which we could hear easily enough but it was difficult to see them, perhaps they stayed high to avoid us.

The most striking plant was this Sea Bindweed, a most attractive pink and white that’s prevalent along the edges of the dunes. There were also clumps of Sea Spurge, the green flower within a flower that’s quite extensive here.

The best was in the centre of the dunes, the Orchids. There were several Common Orchids growing quite tall interspersed with the more blue, more compact marsh Orchids; at least that’s what I think they are. Delightful
flowers to see, even if rather thin on the ground.

On the lagoon side the Sea Lavender was starting to flower but only on short stalks. A few patches of Sea Holly completed the selection for today, plenty of interest for one walk!