Yet another bright blue sunny day, hardly a cloud in the sky but with a light breeze to make walking a pleasure. A longer walk was preferred today but some respite from the sun was called for so the Lavant walk as far as The Rubbing House then back via West Dean was the order of the day. It took a bit longer than expected but that was Bonnie’s fault as she kept on wanting to have a swim in the Lavant which was still flowing strongly.
Setting out I had high hopes of seeing many butterflies, especially after this Speckled Wood was
obliging enough to let me take a picture close up, even with an iPhone. There were a few small Tortoiseshells about, I was able to photograph one but only with wings closed. After that brief encounter there were hardly any more, such a shame.
At West Dean the river was covered in this dense mat of common waters crowfoot. Rather pretty and a welcome change from the marigolds that had been about. Elsewhere not much apart from Hogweed and grass about the river.
Returning along the Centurion way there were several domestic flowers out like Hypericum and
Vinca along with Bindweed which has now come into full flower. Another weed that I’d never bothered with much before was also in full flower, common Hawkweed. A bit like dandelions but with less dense flower heads.