Not much time this morning so only a quick walk around the walls of the City on yet another bright sunny day. What’s immediately noticeable is the growth of plants beside the Lavant and the paths. They seem to have doubled in size and are now spilling over both path and stream. The main culprit is Cow Parsley which is now three or four feet high.
In the grassy areas close to the path Common Knapweed is now appearing. It’s like a thistle but
without spines on the long pointed leaves and likes verges just where it’s appearing here.
A bit further on we saw a small blue butterfly flitting about, looking very attractive. Almost certainly
a common blue but it was difficult to be sure as it didnt stay still for even a second.
The Ox Eye Daisy’s are also coming into their stride, a large bank of them provided a welcome flash of white and yellow to contrast with the luxuriant grass growth or equally active Cow Parsley.
Finally there are several patches of Hedge Mustard with it’s small, delicate flowers making an appearance.
It’s pleasing to see so many flowers appearing despite the intensely dry conditions we’re experiencing. Not surprisingly it’s the deep rooted plants that are thriving.