With the wind from the south west and high pressure dominating we’re having some outstandingly warm, sunny weather; the forecast for today is 20 degrees! It’s difficult to believe that a few days ago it was only 4 or 5 degrees.
What a delight it is walking around the south western section of the walls that surround Chichester, it seems that the sun’s warmth is trapped as
there’s so little wind.

This rainbow, the children’s symbol for support for the NHS, has appeared in Mount Lane. It’s an ongoing reminder of the community feeling towards our carers that’s now demonstrated every Thursday night by clapping at 8pm. This is all the more poignant now that the Prime Minister has had to go into intensive care.

The sunlight sparkles on the fast flowing Lavant stream that runs between the playing fields and the walls, it’s time for sunglasses. Amongst the birdsong a solitary woodpecker can be heard drumming away, very industrious. There are a occasional peacock butterflies out now, drawn out of hibernation by the sun.

The bluebells are in full bloom here now, such a shame we can’t see them in the woodlands in all their glory. A recent flower to come into bloom is the Cow Parsley, numerous clumps have appeared all along the stream.