More bright blue skies but definitely colder, there was a sharp frost this morning; fortunately the showers forecast stayed away. It’s a couple of hours after low water so ideal for a short walk around the western side of Emsworth to Warblington and back; the first time for quite a while.

It’s busy with lots of walkers taking dogs out, not exactly peace and quiet but the views south over the Puzzles towards Hayling Island make up for it. Fortunately there’s not much birdlife on the mud for the dogs to disturb up to Conigar point where they usually turn back. The Hawthorn blossom is, however, quite magnificent, it seems to have taken advantage of the sunshine to fully form.

Adjacent to the Warblington Bunny you could see some Brent Geese right out in the main channel
but nothing in the stream itself. A bit further on were half a dozen Oyster Catchers, coincidentally they featured on this mornings Tweet of the Day; no piping here, this time, though.

Walking back though the fields there was some birdsong, especially in this pleasant spot where the stream flows under the path. Thrushes and Tits certainly, perhaps a few others. Strangely Nore Barn Woods were quite quiet, perhaps they get disturbed too much.

A delightful walk with great views but not much wildlife to make it interesting.