Yet again the forecast is for a months rain in two days, the worst of it in the North. In an interval between downpour we ventured out to the Harbour at Nutbourne to see what was happening.
On the splashes to the west of the path were plenty of ducks making a cacophony of noise. The Mallards making strident quacks against a background of Teal calls. Most were at the far side of the fields so not easy to see but certainly made their presence felt.
Out on the harbour there was virtually nothing especially by the
outfall. Just a couple of Brent geese sitting on the water just offshore, no wildfowl, no waders. I assume that they’d all gone inland where it would be more comfortable until the weather settled down.
The other heads of the harbour were the same, both Bosham and Fisbourne were devoid of activity, unusually quiet.