The dry weather was forecast to come to an end with the first of many bands of rain due to arrive at lunchtime; it was time to get out to Dell Quay early for the circular walk to the marina and back.
We were greeted, on arrival, by the sound of two woodpeckers drumming on the old trees behind the cottages. They seemed to be quite close together and almost answering each other, distinguishable by differing pitches. If they were staking out a territory they were having quite a dialogue!
Along the Salterns Way in the field between it and the channel were many Brent geese, all sitting quite happily together driven off the harbour by the tide which was an hour away from high water. What was unusual was their acceptance of us walking along the path which was very close to some of them, at least.
At Copperas the Chichester YC had set up a start line for dingy racing, as we passed the first competitors were arriving; many more arrived as we got further on. For a winter race the conditions were about as good as you can get, a brisk south westerly, smooth water and not too cold. Clearly the competitors were of mixed ability as some were having some vigorous tussles at the start line while at least three others drifted all the way downwind to Dell Quay, unable to beat into the wind. The rescue boats had their hands full!