With lots on it was only a quick walk around the West Walls today, past the Lavant stream then following the other branch back to College Green.
Following the floods (literally) of rain we’d had over the past few months the seasonal river was in full flow, scouring the bottom and clearing it of accumulated rubbish. All though the summer and up to November it was dry, as usual, but once the rain had replenished the aquifers it appeared again. this year it appeared at least a month earlier than usual.
The council had been unusually diligent, clearing the banks of overgrowth and cutting the saplings back. It’s made a huge difference now looking neat and tidy although the wildlife must count the cost of less cover to escape from predators.
The southern arm usually has a pair of mallards sulking in and around the bushes that certainly haven’t be cut back, today none were to be seen. I can only assume they’ve got plenty of other splashes to choose from and prefer something less public.